The Unburden Services
Here are the services we currently offer. Whether you're an individual who needs a bit of help to make the most of your life, or are in a relationship you and your partner would like to improve, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.
The ICF defines coaching as;
“Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.”
At Unburden we offer 90-minute coaching sessions, for individuals and couples, bookable on a single basis or as part of a package (see below). Following your initial free discovery session with a coach, if you wish to try coaching but are not ready to commit to a package, you can book a single session with no further commitment. Client’s who have undertaken previous coaching sessions or completed a coaching package may also want to have one or two top up session from time to time as new challenges and opportunities arise.
The coaching sessions are typically held on the Zoom platform. You will therefore require a reliable internet connection and a quiet, private, space from which to access your session. Ideally, you will be able to engage fully in the session and avoid interruptions which will impact the effectiveness of the work. Unless you have requested couples coaching there will just be you and the coach in the session. For clients in the Cincinnati area, who would like in person sessions we can offer these in two locations (near Montgomery and in OTR).
Everything you share will be treated in confidence (see our privacy policy and ethical guidelines for exceptions). What you choose to share with others outside of the coaching relationship will be purely your decision.
During a coaching session you will be asked to define the goal you have for that session and reflect on how this connects to your longer term goals, purpose and values. Your coach will explore with you what you feel needs to be addressed in order to achieve your goal and will help you access your own creativity and energy to generate the ideas and action plan that will move you forward. The coach does this through a process of inquiry designed to help you consider new perspectives and make new connections to identify thoughts and beliefs that may be holding your back. This enables you to consider changes you can make and identify what resources you have that can support you.
Everyone comes to coaching at different stages of their life; with their own unique experiences and desires. At Unburden we meet you wherever you are and work together with you to find your best way forward; using a variety of approaches and tools to help you do that. For example if you are feeling unfulfilled at work and are considering a career change or seeking a promotion we will invite you to take the Sparketype assessment.
This will provide insight into your innate drives for work that have far reaching affects on your career and even personal relationships.
Building on this insight you will understand the influence of your Sparketype profile across your career and be able to take action to find work that fills you up rather than leaves you drained and at risk of burn out. Learn more about how to leverage the power of your Sparketype >
Throughout the session you will be exploring your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. You are in full control of what you choose to share with the coach and the more honest and open you can be with the coach (and yourself) the more effective the session will be. If you haven’t worked in this way before it may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but you determine the pace of the work and the areas you want to focus on. As you build your awareness of your thoughts and feelings and develop your skills of reflection you will find it easier and may even start to develop your own “inner coach”.
It takes time to develop a trusting and effective coaching relationship – how long will vary. Also, like any new skill, there's a stage of getting used to the coaching process and learning how to consider different perspectives about how you think and feel and the results these create. By choosing to work over a longer period of time, you'll have the opportunity to build the relationship you need, to provide the optimum level of support and challenge, to help you achieve your goals.
Packages can be very effective where you're unsure of your direction and want to take time to explore your life purpose and values, before defining your goals so you can be sure that everything is aligned to give yourself the best chance of success.
Our standard packages are:
4 x 90 minute sessions over 1 month.
6 x 90 minute sessions over 2 months.
If you choose a coaching package and want to add additional sessions within the agreed period, we'll do our best to accommodate these, subject to availability and will offer these at the same preferential session rate that you benefit from on your Coaching Package. Choosing a package will also enable you to reserve session times several weeks in advance making planning a little easier.
Ready to commit to a package of weekly sessions to power forward towards your goals? Book a free discovery session today...
Blended Learning
We are developing learning programs which will help you get clear on your values and real priorities, so you can commit with confidence to what is really important to you and create a meaningful life. The programs will include self study and the opportunity to work in small groups with others, like yourself, who are looking for answers to life's challenging questions. In addition there will be the opportunity for individual support from a life coach to work on your personal goals. The group space will be an opportunity to share experiences and learning as well as practice new skills in a safe space as you support one another. The coaching relationship will help you explore areas you are not yet comfortable working on in a group setting and will enable you to take your learning to a deeper level.
If you're interested in helping us develop programs by joining a pilot (and taking advantage of significantly reduced rates) or by letting us know what topics would be most helpful to you to include in the program please complete this short form
You can also subscribe to the site to keep you up to date as we develop the programs.